Thursday, October 05, 2006

C.S.I “Down the Drain” episode 502

In this episode, a corpse was discovered stuck on the grating of a storm drain. While the C.S.I. crew was investigating the sewers to find where it came from, some sewer technicians told them they found some bones while they were cleaning some pipes. Since they were coming from another body they filtered the pipes from the neighborhood and found the remaining bones.

Later on, the first victim’s case was explained when the inspectors found what belonged to him: some aqua socks, a sun screen tube, an identity card in a helmet and an inner tube. They concluded that he died while he was riding down the storm drain on his tube.

When the police were securing the area around the manhole where the bigger bones were found, a neighbor was complaining about his neighbor who was using some illegal explosives. While they were investigating the house they found some blood from a possible fight because they found knife marks on two ribs from the rest of the corpse. A tooth from a child who was missing it was used to identify the corpse. The kid was accused of murder, the mom was accused of being an accessory, and the dad had felony explosives. At the end someone said ‘’It’s a family value pack.’’